Conference Papers

A. Babar, F. Imam, T.R. Dean, J. Fernandez
"An Approach to Represent and Transform Application-Specific Constraints for an Intrusion Detection System", CASCON 20: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Toronto, November 2020, IBM Corp, pp. 53-62.

O.A. Al Harthi, M.H. Alalfi, T.R. Dean.
"Detection of feature interaction in dynamic scripting languages", CASCON 19: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Toronto, October 2019, IBM Corp, pp. 130-137.

R.S. Al Mahruqi, M.H. Alalfi, T.R. Dean.
"A semi-automated framework for migrating web applications from SQL to document oriented NoSQL database", CASCON 19: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Toronto, October 2019, IBM Corp, pp. 44-53.

K. Lavorato, F.T. Imam, T.R. Dean.
"LL(k) optimization of a network protocol parser generator", CASCON 19: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Toronto, October 2019, IBM Corp, pp. 183-192.

M.S. Rakha, F.T. Imam, T.R. Dean.
"Generating a Real-Time Constraint Engine for Network Protocols", 12th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Brussels, December 2018, Springer-Verlag, pp. 44-60.

M.J. Michaud, T. Dean, S.P. Leblanc.
"Attacking OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) Based Real-Time Mission Critical Distributed Systems", 13th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE 2018), Nantucket, MA, October 2018. pp 68-77.

J. Chen, M.H. Alalfi, T.R. Dean, S. Ramesh.
"Modeling AUTOSAR Implementations in Simulink", 14th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Toulouse, France, June 2018, pp. 279-292

MD Hasan , F. T. Imam, F. Garcia, T. Dean, M. Zulkernine, S.P. Leblanc.
"A Constraint-based intrusion detection system", Fifth European Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS17), Association of Computing Machinery, Larnaca, Cyprus, Aug-Sept, 2017, pp. 12:1--12:10

A ElShakankiry, T. Dean.
"Context Sensitive and Secure Parser Generation for Deep Packet Inspection of Binary Protocols", 15th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Calgary, Aug 2017, pp 77-86.

MD Siam Hassan, Ali ElShakankiry, Thomas Dean, Mohammed Zulkernine.
“Intrusion detection in a private network by satisfying constraints”, Fourteenth Annual Conference on Privacy Security and Trust, Aukland, New Zealand, Dec 2016, pp. 623-628

Imam F, Dean T.
“Modelling Functional Behaviour of Event-Based Systems: A Practical Knowledge-Based Approach”, Procedings 20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, York, United Kingdom, Sept 2016, pp 617–626.

Imam F, Dean T,.
“Affordances in Representing the Behaviour of Event-Based Systems”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-1660. First International Workshop on Cognition and Ontologies (CAOS 2016) at the 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology Information Systems (FOIS 2016), Annecy, France, July 2016, (6 pp, online)

Alalfi M, Rapos E, Stevenson A, Stephan M, Dean T, Cordy J.
"Semi-automatic Identification and Representation of Subsystem Variability in Simulink Models", 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Victoria, Canada, October 2014, pp. 486-490

Chapman C, Knight GS, Dean T. (2014),
“USBcat - Towards an Intrusion Surveillance Toolset”, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). International Information Security and Privacy Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 2014-06-02 (31-44),

M.H. Alalfi, J. R. Cordy and T. R. Dean,
“Analysis and Clustering of Model Clones: An Automotive Industrial Experience”, IEEE Software Evolution Week (CSMR-WCRE 2014), Antwerp, Belgium, February 2014 pp. 375-378.

J. Chen, Thomas R. Dean and M. H. Alalfi
“Clone Detection in Matlab Stateflow Models”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2014), Antwerp, Belgium, February 2014, published in Electronic Communications of the EASST Vol. 63 (2014) , 13 pages.

F. de la Para and T. Dean,
“Survey of Graph Rewriting Applied to Model Transformations”, 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2014, pp. 431-441.

A.A.Almonaies, M.H.Alalfi, J.R.Cordy, and T.R.Dean “A Framework for Migrating Web Applications to Web Services”, 13th International Conference on Web Engineering, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2013, Published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7977, Springer Verlag, pp. 384-399.

S.Karademir, T. Dean and S. Leblanc “Finding Javascript Malware in Acrobat Files Using Clone Detection”, CASCON '13 Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, Toronto, Canada, November 2013, pp. 70-80.

M.H.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy, T.R. Dean, M. Stephan and A. Stevenson “Near-miss Model Clone Detection for Simulink Models”, Proc. IWSC 2012, ICSE 6th International Workshop on Software Clones, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2012, pp. 78-79.

M.H. Alalfi and James R. Cordy and T. R. Dean “Recovering Role-Based Access Control Security Models From Dynamic Web Applications”, International Conference on Web Engineering, published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 7387, Berlin, July 2012, pp 121–136

M.H.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy, T.R. Dean, M. Stephan and A. Stevenson “Models are Code Too: Near-Miss Clone Detection for Simulink Models”, Proc. ICSM 2012, IEEE 28th International Conference on Software Maintenance, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2012, pp. 295-304.

M.H.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R. Dean “Automated Verification of Role-Based Access Control Security Models Recovered from Dynamic Web Applications”, Proc. WSE 2012, 14th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2012, pp. 1-10.

W.Gama, M.H. Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R. Dean “Normalizing Object-Oriented Class Styles in JavaScript”, Proc. WSE 2012, 14th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2012, pp. 79-83.

J.S.Alexander, T.R. Dean and G.S Knight “Spy vs. Spy: Counter-intelligence Methods for Backtracking Malicious Intrusions”, 21st IBM Centres for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, November 2011, 1–14.

A.Almonaies, M. Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R.Dean “Towards a Framework for Migrating Web Applications to Web Services”, 21st IBM Centres for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, November 2011, 229–241

N.Meng, D. Kelly and T.R. Dean “Towards Automated Accuracy Analysis Through Symbolic Analysis Using Computer Algebra Systems”, 21st IBM Centres for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, November 2011, 25–271.

B.K. Kam, and T.R. Dean “Linguistic Security Testing for Text Communication Protocols”, Proc Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference Practice and Research Techniques, Windsor, UK, September 2010 pp. 104-117

M.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R. Dean, “Automating Coverage Metrics for Dynamic Web Applications”, Proc. CSMR 2010, 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Madrid, Spain, March 2010, 10 pp. 61-60.

A.Almonaies, J.R. Cordy, T.R. Dean, "Legacy System Evolution towards Service-Oriented Architecture", Proc. International Workshop on SOA Migration and Evolution (SOAME 2010), Madrid, Spain, pp. 53-62.

B. Kam, T. Dean, “Lessons Learned From a Literal Survey of Web Applications Testing”, Proc. 6th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, Las Vegas, USA, April 27-29, pp 125-130.

M.AboElFotoh, T.R. Dean, Ryan Mayor “An Empirical Evaluation of a Language-Based Security Testing Technique”, Proc. 19th IBM Centres for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 2009, pp 112-121.

M.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R.Dean, “WAFA: Fine-grained Dynamic Analysis of Web Applications”, Proc. WSE 2009, 11th International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution, Edmonton, Canada, September 2009, pp. 41-50.

M.H.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy, and T.R. Dean, “A Verification Framework for Access Control in Dynamic Web Applications”, Proc. C3S2E, Canadian Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, Montréal, May 2009, pp.109-113.

M.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R. Dean, “Automated Reverse Engineering of UML Sequence Diagrams for Dynamic Web Applications”, Proc. WebTest 2009, 1st International Workshop on Web Testing, Denver, USA, April 2009, pp. 295-302.

M.Ceccato, T.R. Dean, P. Tonella, “Using Program Transformation to Add Structure to a Legacy Data Model”, Proc 8th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Beijing, China, September 2008, pp 197-206.

J.Chu, T.R. Dean, “Automated Migration of List Based Web Pages to AJAX”, ”, Proc 8th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Beijing, China, September 2008, pp 217-226

M.Ceccato, T.R. Dean, P. Tonella, D. Marchignoli, “Data Model Reverse Engineering in Migrating a Legacy System to Java”, Proc. WCRE 2008, 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, October 2008, pp. 177-186.

M.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R. Dean, "SQL2XMI: Reverse Engineering of UML-ER Diagrams from Relational Database Schemas", Proc. WCRE 2008, 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, October 2008, pp. 187-191.

A.Mao,J.R.Cordy, T.R. Dean, “Automated Conversion of Table-based Websites to Structured Stylesheets Using Table Recognition and Clone Detection”, Proc IBM Centers forAdvancedStudies Conference 2007 (CASCON), Toronto, Canada, October 2007, to appear.

S.Zhang, T.R. Dean,G.S. Knight, “Lightweight State Based Mutation Testing for Security”, Proc TAICPART-MUTATION 2007, Windsor, UK, September 2007, pp 223-232.

M.Alalfi,J.R.Cordy, T.R. Dean, “A Survey of Analysis Models and Methods in Website Verification and Testing”, Proc 7th International Conference on Web Engineering(ICWE2007). Como, Italy July 2007, pp. 306-311.

C.K. Roy, M.G. Uddin, B. Roy, T.R. Dean. “Evaluating Aspect Mining Techniques: A Case Study”, 15th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC’07), Banff, Canada, June 2007, pp. 167-176.

S. Zhang , T.R. Dean and S. Knight,"A Lightweight Approach To State Based Security Testing", Proc. CASCON 06, 16th IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2006, pp. 341-344.

S. Marquis, T.R. Dean and S. Knight,
"Packet Decoding using Context Sensitive Parsing", Proc. CASCON 06, 16th IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2006, pp. 263-274.

L.Wang,J.R.Cordy and T.R. Dean,
"Enhancing Security Using Legality Assertions",Proc. WCRE 2005 - IEEE 12th International Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Pittsburgh, November 2005, pp 35-44.

S. Marquis, T.R. Dean and S. Knight,
"SCL: A Language for Security Testing of Network Applications", Proc. CASCON 05, 15th IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2005, pp. 155-164.

S. Xu, and T.R. Dean,
"Modernizing JavaServer Pages by Transformation", 7th International Symposium on WebSite Evolution, Budapest, Hungary, September 2005, pp 111-118.

S.Xu, and T.R.Dean,
"Transforming Embedded Java to Custom Tags", 5th International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Budapest, Hungary, September 2005, pp. 173-172.

Sontao Zhang, T.R. Dean and S. Knight,
"Applying Software Transformation Techniques to Security Testing", Pre-Proceedings of STEP 2005, Software Technology and Engineering in Practice, Toronto, Canada, October 2005, pp. 180-184.

A.Ashaiwi and T.R. Dean,
"Study the Characteristics of OPNET Design Recovery Tools for Good Models Understanding and Faster Code Modification", OPNETWORK 2005, Washington, USA, August 2005, on CDROM

T.R.Dean and S. Knight,
"Applying Software Transformation Techniques to Security Testing", International Workshop on Software Evolution and Transformation, Delft, Netherlands, November 2004, pp 49-52

O.Tal, S.Knight, and T.R. Dean,
"Syntax-based Vulnerability Testing of Frame-based Network Protocols", Proc. 2nd Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Fredericton, Canada, October 2004, pp 155-160.

Y.Turcotte, O. Tal,S. Knight, and T.R. Dean,
"Security Vulnerabilities Assessment of the X.509 Protocol by Syntax-Based Testing", Military Communications Conference 2004, Monterey CA, October 2004, Vol 3 pp. 1572- 1578.

J.R.Cordy, T.R. Dean and N. Synytskyy,
"Practical Language-Independent Detection of Near-Miss Clones", Proc. CASCON'04, 14th IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference, Toronto, October 2004, pp. 29-40 (Best paper award).

X. Guo, J.R.Cordy, T.R. Dean,
"Unique Renaming in Java", 3rd International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2003, pp 151-160.

M. Synytskyy,J.R. Cordy,T.R. Dean,
"Resolution of Static Clones in Dynamic Web Pages", 5th International Workshop on Web Site Evolution, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2003 pp. 49-56.

T.R.Dean, Y. Chen,
"Design Recovery of A Two Level System", 11th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC 2003), Portland, Oregon, May 2003 pp. 23-32.

D. Jin,J.R.Cordy, T.R. Dean,
"Transparent Reverse Engineering Tool Integration Using a Conceptual Transaction Adapter", 7th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Benevento, Italy, March 2003, pp. 399-408.

T.R.Dean, J.R. Cordy, K.A. Schneider, A.J. Malton,
"Grammar Programming in TXL", 2nd International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2002), Montreal, Canada, November 2002, pp 93 - 102.

D. Jin, J.R.Cordy, T.R.Dean,
"Where's the Schema? A Taxonomy of Patterns for Software Exchange", 10th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC 2002), Paris, France, June 2002, pp. 65-74.

"Software Engineering by Source Transformation, Experience with TXL", Proceedings SCAM'01, - IEEE First International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Florence, Italy, November 2001, pp 168-178.

"Using Design Recovery Techniques to Transform Legacy Systems", ICSM 2001 - The International Conference on Software Maintenance, Florence, Italy, November 2001, pp 622 - 631.

"Union Schemas as a Basis for a C++ Extractor", WCRE 2001 - 8th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Stuttgart, Germany, October 2001, pp. 59-67.

A.J.Malton,K.A.Schneider,J.R.Cordy,T.R.Dean, D. Cousineau, J. Reynolds,
"Processing Software Source Text in Automated Design Recovery and Transformation", IWPC 2001 - The International Workshop on Program Comprehension, Toronto, Canada, May 2001, pp 145-154.

"HSML: Design Directed Source Code Hot Spots", IWPC 2001 - The International Workshop on Program Comprehension, Toronto, Canada, May 2001, pp 127-134.

Refereed Journal Publications

J.Chen, T. R. Dean, M. H. Alalfi, "Clone detection in MATLAB Stateflow model", Software Quality Journal, Springer Verlag, Vol 24 No. 4, pp 917–946, DOI 10.1007/s11219-015-9296-0.

Jian Chen, Manar H. Alalfi, Thomas R. Dean, Ying Zou
"Detecting Android Malware Using Clone Detection", Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Springer Verlag Vol. 30 No. 5, Aug, 2015, pp 942–956.

B.Kam and T.R. Dean
“Linguistic Security Testing for Text Communication Protocols”, Software Practice and Experience, 43(9), Sept. 2010

P.Tonella, M. Ceccato, D. Marchignoli, C. Matteotti, T.R. Dean, “Migrazione di sistemi software legaci”, Mondo Digitale, 12 pp. (accepted)

M.Ceccato, T.R. Dean, P. Tonella, D. Marchignoli, “Migrating legacy data structures based on Variable overlay to Java”, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, pp 211-237.

M.Alalfi, J.R. Cordy and T.R. Dean, "Web Application Verification and Testing Analysis Models and Methods: State of the Art", Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, Vol. 19, No. 4, Dec 2009, pp 265-296.

M.Ceccato, T.R. Dean, P. Tonella, “Recovering Structured Data Types from a Legacy Data Model with Overlays”, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Vol. 51, No. 10,pp 1454-1468.

T.Cassidy,J.R. Cordy, T.R. Dean and J. Dingel,
"Source Transformation for Concurrency Analysis,"Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 141(4), December 2005, pp. 57-75.

T.R.Dean,J.R. Cordy,A.J. Malton and K.A. Schneider,
"Agile Parsing in TXL", Journal of Automated Software Engineering 10,4 (October 2003), pp. 311-336.

"Source Transformation in Software Engineering using the TXL Transformation System", Information and Software Technology, Special Issue: Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 44(13), October 2002, pp. 827-837.

"A Syntactic Theory of Software Architecture", Special Issue on Software Architecture,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol 21, No. 4, April 1995, pp 302-313.

Invited Papers

T. Dean and Mykyta Synytskyy,
"Agile Parsing and Web Applications",International Summer School in Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering,Pre-proceedings, Part II, Technology Presentations, Braga, Portugal, July 2005. pp. 29-38.

Chapters in Books

M.H. Alalfi, E.J. Rapos, A.Stevenson, M. Stephan, T.R. Dean, J.R. Cordy
"Variability Identification and Representation for Automotive Simulink Models", Automotive Systems and Software Engineering: State of the Art and Future Trends, Springer Verlag, in press.

T.R. Dean,J.R. Cordy,
"Software Characterization Using Connectivity", in Studies in Software Design, D.A. Lamb (ed.), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1078, Berlin, 1996, pp 33-48.